Exodul sufleurilor - stereodramă


Fostul ceasornicar poreclit Cucu Corect, acum sufleur într-un teatru din capitală, rămâne izolat în camera costumelor și nu se poate mișca pentru a nu fi victima pandemiei. Dar în loc de virus este răpus de o revelație care îl ajută să se dedubleze într-un mod nemaiîntâlnit sau nu suficient de cunoscut. 


Teatrul albanez sub dictatură (Aspecte ale evoluției teatrului din Albania în perioada 1944-1990)

Albanian theatre under dictatorship
(Aspects of the evolution of theatre in Albania during 1944-1990)
ISSN 1582-327X / ISSN 2344-4460


The evolution of Albanian theatre between 1944 and 1990 mirrors the deformation and even unnatural extraction of Eastern societies’ conflicts from plays and performances. Simultaneously with the establishment of the so-called dictatorship of the proletariat, to these societies were imposed the method of socialist realism. According to documents and testimonies, for four decades, the pressure on theatre in Albania has been harsher than in any other totalitarian society. Authors and directors who did not conform to the theses of socialist realism (cyclically taken to extremes by single-party directives) were sentenced to prison or deported. It can be said that, between 1944 and 1990, the Albanian theatre was moved away and isolated at a destructive distance from the tragedies the general public was going through. The real theatre of the Albanian society in the late 1980s took place outside the performance halls, proving as never before the expression life is theatre and theatre is life. 


             Albanian theatre; socialist realism; censorship; propaganda